Dota 2 Test Build Update

– Enabled Bane in Captain’s Mode.
– Bane: Fixed the attack timing on when Nightmare gets transfered.
– Bane: Fixed Enfeeble working on Roshan
– Bane: Fixed being unable to attack allied Nightmared heroes to transfer the debuff.
– Batrider: Fixed being unable to easily pull units over cliffs with Flaming Lasso.
– Batrider: Fixed timing of Firefly damage ticks.
– Batrider: Fixed rounding error with Firefly damage ticks.
– Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture hurting cycloned units.
– Chen: Fixed Holy Persuation interrupting allied channeling spells on cast (rather than upon tping).
– Death Prophet: Fixed Exorcism hitting an invisible hero if the hero was hit before.
– Death Prophet: Fixed Silence not affecting basic units.
– Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Form’s Corrosive Breath and Frost Breath working with DK illusions.
– Faceless Void: Fixed Courier interaction with Chronosphere
– Jakiro: Macropyre now does the correct amount of damage with a Scepter.
– Jakiro: Fixed Macropyre not hurting siege units.
– Omniknight: Fixed Repel canceling Ursa’s Overpower.
– Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Astral Imprisonment being able to cause you to lose mana regeneration.
– Pugna: Fixed Netherward mana degen not showing the proper numbers for players.
– Spirit Breaker: Fixed Netherstrike vs cycloned units.
– Tinker: Fixed Rearm refreshing level 2 and 3 of Necronomicon.
– Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes incrementing when the attack missed.
– Vengeful Spirit: Fixed Wave of Terror hp loss not properly functioning on magic immune units.
– Warlock: Fixed Golem being considered a creep for some spells like Paralyzing Casks.
– Attributes can no longer fall below 1.
– Fixed some issues with negative mana regeneration.
– Fixed Basher stacking with Spiritbreaker/Slardar/Faceless Void’s bashes.
– Fixed Armlet not draining life while you are magic immune.
– Fixed couriers not being able to use wards.
– Fixed temporary trees (like Sprout) not respecting the pause.

– Changed Empowering Haste passive legacy key to G to avoid stomping H (halt).
– Captain’s Mode now has 5 bans once again.
– Added countdown when unpausing the game.
– The spectator graph events now get correctly cleared when rewinding in a demo.
– The tooltip for Doom now correctly updates when Doombringer has a Scepter.
– Inventory keys are now hidden while spectating.
– The combat log now works while spectating and in replays.

– Dragon Knight plays a range-enabled effect when Dragon Tail is cast while in dragon form.
– Lifestealer now has his own variation on the lifesteal effect rather than using the generic one.
– Updated Lifestealer’s Open Wounds and Infest effects for clarity.
– Updated Bloodseeker’s Rupture effect (added blood trail so it’s more obvious).

– Updated Rupture effect.
– Announcer now says “Single Draft” when starting single draft mode.
– First Blood lines now play mapwide.

-Added rival taunts and misc. lines to Razor, Zeus, Tiny and Tidehunter to fill out basic voice set.

– Bot difficulty now defaults to Normal.
– Re-added ability for bots to team-roam-and-gank enemy heroes during the latter part of games.
– dota_bot_dump_state can now be run in non-cheat-enabled games.
– Fixed cases where Juggernaut would use Blade Fury and Razor would use Plasma Field when there weren’t enough creeps nearby.
– Added Passive bot difficulty level, in which they won’t do anything but lane.
– Loosened the time-to-arrive constraints for deciding to defending a lane (should improve base defense).

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