ARMA II Updated


* Numerous bug fixes, multiplayer code tweaks and mission fixes
* ARMA 2, ARMA 2: EW campaigns and stand-alone missions received special treatment to get rid of the most annoying bugs

Patch related informations:

the changelog is always approximate, we suggest You to read also CIT (Community Issue Tracker) roadmap of resolved/closed bug/feature tickets:
* ARMA 2 version 1.11 beta builds –
* ARMA 2 version 1.11 Release Candidates –

The complete list of all previous and upcoming versions and theirs progress is available on URL below (the size of page is huge so it may take while to load)

We would like to thanks all BIF CIT staff/mods/volunteers, whole ARMA community, our partners and everyone who helped us to release this mega-patch!

Merry Christmas time, great holidays and Happy New Year! – see

Engine 1.10-1.11 Changelog
* Fixed: Signature Check Timeout issue.
* Fixed: When a player was JIP-ing, traffic for all other players was significantly reduced

Missions 1.10-1.11 Changelog
* Fixed: Bitter Chill mission Get In destroyed HMMWV (M2) traps Razor Team inside forever(
* Fixed: Manhattan mission Cpt. Shaftoe is sometimes killed by his chair because his feet are sticking through it.(
* Fixed: Manhattan mission GPS COORDS 000003 marine misplaced at top left corner of map (
* Fixed: Manhattan mission Task: Escort contact to LZ Lagushina can teleport herself to helicopter (
* Fixed: Bitter Chill mission Task: Reach CDF positions endscene subtitles and voices are played twice (
* Fixed: Delaying the Bear mission subtitle texts and dialog voices in wrong order (
* Fixed: War That Never Was mission looking around in helicopter is not working when playing [Combined Operations] (
* Fixed: War That Never Was mission Rodriquez and O’Hara movement is terribly out of sync (
* Fixed: Only first end condition ends Freedom Fighters scenario (
* Fixed: Dogs Of War mission Notes-Situation has typing error – Vybor airoprt should be Vybor airport (
* Fixed: Dogs Of War mission Tasks Deal with Russians has error saying Russian base is at Krasnostav airport when it is at Vybor airport (
* Fixed: Dogs Of War mission GPS COORDS 075101 Chedaki POW killed by NAPA supply trucks (
* Fixed: Bitter Chill mission GPS COORDS 081060 two NAPA scouts and NAPA fighters are sometimes killed at NAPA safehouse yard (
* Fixed: First To Fight [Multiplayer] helicopter insertion kills human players 2, 3 and 4 (

More details at

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