Team Fortress 2 Presents: Australian Christmas

The second annual holiday-themed “Australian Christmas” update, features two retro-futuristic “Dr. Grordbortâ€� class packs for the Engineer and Pyro, designed by Weta Workshop’s Greg Broadmore.

In addition to the class packs, the update will also ship 14 new holiday-themed weapons, hats and cosmetic items by the TF community’s item creators, using the Steam Workshop. “CP_Foundry,� a new five-cap control point map designed by Valve’s TF2 team, comes with 12 map-specific achievements.

As part of the holiday celebration, over 50 items in the Mann Co. in-game store will be on sale for up to 75% until January 2nd, 2012. Additionally, the in-game item drop rate will be doubled for the first week of the event.

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