The Steam Holiday Sale continues! For the next nine days, take advantage of huge saving throughout our store on thousands of games. Check back often to take advantage of new deals every 12 hours. Vote in the Community’s Choice to help decide what games get an even deeper discount!
In addition, more than a hundred games and apps will be Featured Deals throughout the sale, which rotate every 24 hours.
Today’s Featured Deals include:
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – 25% off
- Football Manager 2015 – 33% off
- South Park: The Stick of Truth – 66% off
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham – 33% off
- Planetary Annihilation – 80% off
- GRID Autosport – 75% off
- Contagion – 75% off
- Democracy 3 – 80% off
- Train Fever – 40% off
Participating in the 2014 Steam Holiday Sale will also earn you exclusive Holiday Sale Trading Cards. Collect all 10 cards during the sale to earn the Holiday Sale 2014 Badge, backgrounds and emoticons!
The Steam Holiday Sale runs from December 18th until 10AM PST, January 2nd. Complete information on Featured Deals, Community’s Choice Vote and more can be found HERE.