You Need A Budget 4 Updated

This latest version is primarily for bug fixes. We have also (re)added a keyboard shortcut for approving selected transactions.

Full list of changes:


– Ctrl/Cmd-K is the new “Approve Selected Transactions” shortcut key.


– YNAB No longer prevents shutdown on Macs.
– Only the relevant portions of split transactions are shown when viewing the transaction list in the Spending by Category report.
– Inflow transactions that are categorized as a normal category (as opposed to Income) will now correctly be counted against the spending of that category on the Spending Trends report.
– Split transactions with a positive (inflow) total no longer ignore their sub-transactions on the Spending Trends report.
– When matching two imported transctions, YNAB now tries to organize things behind the scenes so that the transaction won’t get re-imported from your bank again.
– Selecting “All Dates” on reports now correctly starts with the first month that you have data, rather than January of the first year you have data.
– Extra transactions could be visible in the transaction popup on reports when multiple sub-categories had the same name (but different master categories).
– Fixed a rare error that could occur when moving a transfer to or from an off-budget account.
– The right Alt key on some Polish keyboards in Windows no longer triggers CTRL shortcuts in the register. (Most notably, typing Alt-N will no longer create a new transaction) Fixed a rare error that could happen after adding a new transaction, scrolling, and resizing the window.
– Fixed a crash that could occur when jumping to a transaction list containing matched transactions from the Payee Settings screen.
– Fixed a rare error that could occur when checking for updates.
– The total row is now always at the end of the list. Under rare circumstances, it could get placed elsewhere, which would cause an error when clicked.
– Fixed a rare error that could occur when viewing the running balance of a certain transaction.
– Some computers can’t display HTML pages within YNAB, and YNAB will now simply offer a link to the content that can’t be displayed, rather than displaying an error.
– Fixed a very rare error that could prevent YNAB from running on Windows.

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