General fixes
• Fixed cavalry exploit where players could engage infantry with minimal losses and cause unit to rout.
• Fixed issue where blood would not appear on face and left arm of units in Blood Pack DLC.
• Various audio fixes.
• Correct banner is now shown by Tosa standard bearers.
• Fixed morale bug that could cause the player’s army to rout if a reinforcing army had enough Gatling guns.
• Fixes for additional multiplayer campaign desync occurrences where identified.
• Fixed graphical clipping issue with Shinsengumi’s cape.
• Revolver Cavalry is now capped at 4 per army in multiplayer.
• Hosts should now correctly leave a multiplayer campaign when client quits after a battle.
• Fix for certain Daimyos portraits being stretched.
• Saga’s clan attributes should now be working correctly.
• Pro-imperial clans should now be able to recruit Shogitai after changing allegiance.
• Clan Development “Modern Rifles” and the trait gained from “French Military Mission” will no longer affect artillery units.
• Daimyo retainer’s “British Naval Engineer”, “British Railway Engineer”, “Francois Leonce Verny” and “Inudstrialist” should now be working correctly.
• Daimyo retainer’s “Logistics” and “Scourge” should now correctly stack to provide a 15% replenishment rate.
• Daimyo retainer “Over-ambitious mistress” should now have an effect on Daimyo honour.
• Daimyo retainer “Sir Harry Smith Parkes” should now have a description attached.
• Dilemma “Koyosha” now correctly decreases research rate, rather than increases research rate.
• Various typographical fixes.
• Event “Security Matters” should now have a relevant penalty.
• Mission “Developing our potential” should now be correctly displayed when skipping the first cut-scene.
AI improvements
• Naval AI will now repair damaged fleets in battle.
• Improvements to AI defending to take into account distance and relative strength between AI and human units when selecting targets.
• Improvements to AI defence when AI has missile superiority.
• AI non-missile/cavalry units will now more frequently move through missile units defending the front line of a battlegroup if they are being charged by a player.
• Further improvements made to reinforcing army AI to limit idle army behaviour.
• Fixed issue where AI would occasionally send in single, unsupported units to attack the player. Units will now co-ordinate better and attack in larger numbers.
• Other AI units will attack player-friendly units that are protecting the flanks of the AI’s primary target unit.